SialexRing Product and solution.
SialexRing Concept
Based on physical principles, it is now possible to treat limescale, rust and other deposits in water-bearing pipes, machines and equipment; gentle, eco-friendly, cost-effective, efficient, but above all safe, harmless, traceable and reproducible.
Today, we at Phoenix Ring Manufaktur can offer you a treatment system that has been tried and tested in the most demanding industrial applications (complex cooling circuits, heat exchangers, etc.) and is used worldwide. The physical properties of the substances dissolved in the water can be permanently changed. The Sialex®Ring is a true, reliable and economical water treatment system, based entirely on a natural process technology, with no chemistry, no electricity and no magnetism!
With our physical water treatment device, changes are achieved, often called “chemical adjustment” or “physical change”, of the components present in the water. However, without changing the “chemistry” of the water – The beneficial components of the water are preserved!
SialexRing Process
In order to better understand the Sialex®Effect, we have to go a little “deeper”. Every chemical substance has very specific properties (solubility in water, chemical structure, etc.), which are determined among others by how the individual atoms in the respective substance moves. If you influence this movement, which is often referred to as “natural oscillation”, you also change the physical properties of the substance. And this is exactly where the Sialex®Ring comes in.
To change the natural oscillation of water and chemicals substance present, it is necessary a carrier material, which can maintain and transmit new oscillations.
For that purpose, Phoenix Ring Manufaktur developed a specially manufacturing process, where an aluminum carrier material (Sialex®Ring) is charged with modified and specific vibrations, that are released after their installation on site through the pipe material to the water and the corresponding substance present in it.
This has quite significant consequences for both limescale, rust and also other deposits, increasing the solubility of substances soluble in water. Scale, rust and biofilm are thus gradually removed. New foreign substances are also flushed by the circulating water. After some time, the pipes and water-bearing equipment are almost clean.
Facts & Figures:

Sialex® in the field of industrial applications
A competence team around Phoenix Ring Manufaktur has several years of experience in the field of industrial applications.
Industry is asked to consider many operational issues. There is a drive to reduce the “carbon footprint”, costs must be tightly controlled due to rising energy costs, “downtime” of systems must be minimised to gain the most “return on the capital investment in plant and machinery”. Running costs must be tightly controlled.
The relationship between “scaling” / “corrosion” and system efficiency has received considerable attention in recent years. Water problems, once seen as an inconvenience by operations managers, now are identified as a considerable cost in terms of efficiency.
As the relationship between scale “build up” in water circuits and higher energy bills becomes more obvious , as labour costs also rise, and the drive to maximize systems availability receives more focus, benefits associated with “good” maintenance and operational conditions of water circuits makes a more compelling argument.
Sialex® installation

BEFORE & AFTERSialex® installation
Cleaning cooling tower
(Sialex®Ring) is charged with modified and specific vibrations, that are released after their installation on site through the pipe material to the water and the corresponding substance present in it.
How does Sialex®Ring work?
The proven industrial solution
in its effectiveness
Based on physical principles, it is now possible to treat limescale, rust and other deposits in water-bearing pipes, machines and equipment; gentle, eco-friendly, cost-effective, efficient, but above all safe, harmless, traceable and reproducible.