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WEALpro EP-3000

Wealpro® Ozonizer: Ozone technique is one of the technology that 2E has been using to address deposit problem in piping system. Especially, in many projects that require to minimize chemical usage.



Wealpro® Ozonizer: Ozone technique is one of the technology that 2E has been using to address deposit problem in piping system. Especially, in many projects that require to minimize chemical usage. EIPX Ozonizer  trading under “Wealpro®” Ozonizer available for Air treatment and water treatment, suitable for household scale up to industrial scale (1g to 20 g).EIPX engineering team have researched and developing the most durable and efficiency parts to be used in “Wealpro®” . 100% in house production: Customize design is available to meet each project needed.

Household ozonator is a device for the purification of water, air, food and household items; using ozone eliminates bacteria, viruses, odors and a broad range of contaminants. Many people mistakenly believe that the ozonator and ionizer are one and the same device. Although the ozonator produces a small number of ionized particles and ionizer – a certain amount of ozone, they differ mainly produce the different particles. Household ozonizer very extensive scope of application: it helps to remove invisible pollutants in drinking water, vegetables and fruits, children’s toys, textiles, kitchen appliances and surfaces to eliminate odor in a closet, the fridge or the whole of the dwelling

– Water purification
– Disinfection of vegetables and fruits
– Sterilization of children’s toys and bottles
– Disinfection of textiles
– Cleansing meat, fish, poultry
– Sterilization of kitchen appliances
– Eliminating odors from the cupboard and fridge


Ozone capacity:    3000 mg/hr. (Timer 34 hr.)

Power Consumption:   200 Watts

Size (W x H x D):   280 x 560 x 470 mm.

Weight:  15 kg.

Case & Colour:   Plastic & White


ที่อยู่ กทม.: 75 ซอย เพชรเกษม 52 แยก 6 ถ.เพชรเกษม บางดวน ภาษีเจริญ กรุงเทพฯ 10160 ประเทศไทย

สำนักงานภูเก็ต:100/213 ศรีสุชาติ1,

เฉลิมพระเกียรติ พระราม 9 รัษฎา เมือง ภูเก็ต 83000  โทร: +66 (0) 649146662


โทร: +66 (0) 24652548

สายด่วน: +66 (0) 649594558



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