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The ZOLL® AED Plus Trainer2 allows CPR and first aid instructors to have students experience

ZOLL® AED Plus® - Trainer2

  • Complete Simulation Control at the Instructor’s Fingertips
    The ZOLL® AED Plus Trainer2 allows CPR and first aid instructors to have students experience
    what it’s like to save a life with the AED Plus. Choose from four different fixed rescue scenarios or
    have complete manual control of the entire rescue. A wireless remote lets you control multiple AED
    Plus Trainer2s.


    With this simple remote, instructors can set up a rescue scenario and download to the AED Plus
    Trainer2 in seconds. The student pushes the on-off button on the Trainer2 unit to begin. The
    instructor then determines whether to shock on the next simulated heart analysis or not, whether
    the pads have been properly attached or not, and when the Trainer2 unit should say “PUSH
    HARDER” and “GOOD COMPRESSIONS.” A simple pause button lets the instructor stop the rescue
    altogether, confer with the student, and then pick up exactly where the simulated rescue left off.


    2010 AHA and ERC Guidelines Ready
    Trainer2 software easily switches from AHA to ERC 2010 Guidelines


    The AED Plus Trainer2 Includes Everything an Instructor Needs
    • AED Plus Trainer2 training AED
    • Wireless remote controller
    • One set of AED Plus Training CPR-D-padz®
    • One set of AED Plus Trainer CPR-D-padz reusable gels
    • Four D cell batteries
    • Two AA cell batteries
    • Operator’s Guide

  • AED Plus Trainer 2Includes:

    • 1ea 8008-0007; Trainer Wireless Remote.
    • pr 8900-0804-01; CPR-D·padz Training Electrodes.
    • Batteries (2-AA size and 4-D size).
    • Trainer2 Operator’s Manual.
    • 6 months factory warranty.

ที่อยู่ กทม.: 75 ซอย เพชรเกษม 52 แยก 6 ถ.เพชรเกษม บางดวน ภาษีเจริญ กรุงเทพฯ 10160 ประเทศไทย

สำนักงานภูเก็ต:100/213 ศรีสุชาติ1,

เฉลิมพระเกียรติ พระราม 9 รัษฎา เมือง ภูเก็ต 83000  โทร: +66 (0) 649146662


โทร: +66 (0) 24652548

สายด่วน: +66 (0) 649594558



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